With the better weather, I have been doing some much needed painting on the boat.
However, there is always time for some walking and a 'catch up' with my brother at the Severn Valley Railway.
Winter pansies still looking good!
Look closely to count the ducklings - sadly, it seems not many have survived?!
The front hold is now my painting workshop
The top lights upside down - for an undercoat

Yes - it's the Severn Valley Railway!

Sir Keith Park - Bulleid's Southern Region 1946 re-built Battle of Britain Class 4-6-2
No. 34053

Not to be confused with this!

SVR have a fine rake of goods wagons - here in the sidings at Highley

Primer on the top side

Followed by the topside undercoat

Another big job is the prep on the starboard front panel - taking out the lining stripe

Also, the reduction box ready for painting - it has already been degreased.
I will protect the brass nuts with masking tape

An interlude from boats jobs - walking with the Ironbridge Gorge Walking Festival.
Here, climbing out of the Gorge up the Rotunda Steps.

The historic Ironbridge - completed in 1781, the first cast iron bridge at 100 feet long
Yes - it's the Severn Valley Railway!
Sir Keith Park - Bulleid's Southern Region 1946 re-built Battle of Britain Class 4-6-2
No. 34053
Not to be confused with this!
SVR have a fine rake of goods wagons - here in the sidings at Highley
Primer on the top side
Followed by the topside undercoat
Another big job is the prep on the starboard front panel - taking out the lining stripe
Also, the reduction box ready for painting - it has already been degreased.
I will protect the brass nuts with masking tape

An interlude from boats jobs - walking with the Ironbridge Gorge Walking Festival.
Here, climbing out of the Gorge up the Rotunda Steps.

The historic Ironbridge - completed in 1781, the first cast iron bridge at 100 feet long
Having a breather in Wrekin woods
Back to the boat - repairing a paint gash from our last trip!