Tour 2013
come this far down the country, yet another visit to the Bodmin and
Wenford Steam Railway is a must.
went to a beading workshop, Dan and Poppy went to Paradise Mill to
see the animals and birds – and I caught the London train out of
St. Erth to Bodmin Parkway.
The 43 class departs Bodmin Parkway for Bristol/London Paddington
the Bodmin Railway run a summer 5 journey timetable – all steam.
Today we had the Great Western Railway Pannier Tank 4612, recently
out of overhaul, heading a 4 coach set. The Fireman said it had
plenty of power for the job as it tackled the two inclines up to
Bodmin General.
are dedicated to Jonathan and Adrian!

well over 800 examples built, the 5700 class pannier tank
locomotives could be found absolutely everywhere on the Great
Western Railway’s system and although in the 1960s their numbers
were being decimated by withdrawals, several lasted to the end of
Western Region steam including the Bodmin & Wenford Railway’s
example, no. 4612.
GWR 5700 class 0-6-0PT no. 4612, built at Swindon in 1942
4612 is a member
of the most numerous Great Western locomotive class. Introduced by
Collett in 1929 for light goods and passenger duties, eventually
an extraordinary 863 were built not just by Swindon works, but
sub-contracted to various outside builders also. The 5700 class
replaced an eclectic and ageing mix of saddle-tank and
pannier-tank designs, some dating back almost to when the GWR was
converted from broad to standard gauge. The design was based on
the Dean '2721' pannier tanks of 1897 but with much improved
boiler and a more comfortable enclosed cab. Testament to the
design is the fact that there was little more than cosmetic
alteration as successive batches were built until the last emerged
from Swindon works in 1949.
away if you are offended by noisy/smelly diesels!!
37142 One of a large number of diesel–electrics in preservation,
built in 1963
33110 Another diesel-electric ex-workhorse from BR days in the early
to things steamy …
4612 on the run around at Bodmin General
Taking on more water – the footplate crew did this each trip
43127 arrives from Paddington – the Cornish Riviera Express – to
Penzance. The train was absolutely packed with standing room only.
Back to St. Erth – good value at £9.50 off peak return.
another great, western, steamy journey!