Day 13: Moored at Anglesey Basin, at the foot of Chasewater Reservoir
5.5 miles, 3 hours
set off around midday in the rain. Passing on tick-over the last of
the boats left from the Festival. This Wyrley and Essington lives up
to it's nickname of the 'curly' Wyrley as we turned back and forth.
were followed by an Artic Tern, which swooped about the boat and then
dived into the canal – it definitely caught something as we saw it

We soon arrived at the Birchalls Canal Trust service point and did the water, toilet (for the week) and got rid of the weekend's rubbish. A little after are moorings for Tesco, though the
dredging is poor and we struggled to get in.
benefit of a supermarket next to the canal is little carrying of the
food, so we stocked up for the week ahead.
last section is fairly rural as we gently edged up the Anglesey
Branch through an area that had been full of coal mines.
canal, which was built in 1800 to provide a water supply, terminates
in a large pool where the water runs in from the Chasewater Reservoir
above. We surprisingly passed 3 boats coming in and were told there
was just 1 mooring spot left – right up by the water inlet.
explored the area of lowland heathland by having a gentle jog though
did go up straight the dam embankment! Good views all round.
Looking down form the top of the dam
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